Van Loan School Course of Study

Undergraduate Program

Last updated: Mon Oct 7 2024 @15:20

CourseTitleSecLocationFAC BldgRoomBeg TimeEnd TimeMtg: BegMtg: EndDaysCrs
ACC185 MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Foster, Cynthia ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
ART100 ART & WORLD CULTURES OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Anderson, Peter_H. ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
ART240 IMAGINATION AND CREATIVITY OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Bailes, Sarah Elizabeth ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
BUS122 BUSINESS PROBLEM SOLVING OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Foster, Cynthia ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
BUS200 MARKETING OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Miranda, Cintia ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
BUS210 FINANCE OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Borgioli, Charles ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
BUS222 INTRO TO CANNABIS MANAGEMENT OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Chatterton, Martin ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
BUS270 COMMUNICATING IN BUSINESS OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Pierce, Kayla Marie ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
BUS300 ENTREPRENEURSHIP OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Sartorelli, Deirdre A ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
BUS320 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Sartorelli, Deirdre A ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
BUS355 RISK MANAGEMENT OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Charles, Jodi-Tatiana ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
BUS450 DYNAMICS OF LEADERSHIP OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Conley, Amber J ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
CHE230 FORENSIC SCIENCE OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Comeau, Gary ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
CJ 215 CORRECTIONS OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Appleby, Ashley Marie ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
DRA225 HISTORY OF WORLD THEATHER OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Staff ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
EC 355 CAREER TRANSITIONS OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Conley, Amber J ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 4.00
ECN201 MACROECONOMICS OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Borgioli, Charles ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
ED 224 SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING AND MINDFULNESS OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Staff ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
ENG102 INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY STUDIES OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Merritt, Stewart ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
ENG108 INTRO TO CREATIVE WRITING OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Fallon, Kacy V. ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
ENG312 LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Quay, Sara E ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
ENV216 NATURAL DISASTERS & CATASTROPHES OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Buccigrossi, Michael_R. ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
  Reserved for Van Loan Students Only.
EX 200 NUTRITION OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Swanton, Deborah ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
EX 208 PERSONAL AND COMMUNITY HLTH OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Swanton, Deborah ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
HST101 WESTERN CIV I OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Pride, Maria Louise ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
HST225 SALEM WITCH TRIALS OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Herlihy, Mark A ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
ITL 101 ELEMENTARY ITALIAN OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College De Gasperi, Giulia ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
MTH116 MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Key, Darryl R ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
MTH126 APPLIED STATISTICS OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Diehl, Michael ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
NU 305 RN ROLE TRANSITION OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Landers, Elizabeth ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
PHL100 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Conklin, Peter ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
PHL104 ETHICS OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Choi, Anna S. ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
POL343 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Mustone, Michelle L ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
PSY110 LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Staff ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
PSY200 CHILD & ADOL PSYCH OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Wong, Maria Sau_Man ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
PSY206 FOUNDATIONS OF MINDFULNESS OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Birch, Kelly M ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
PSY225 PSYCHOLOGY OF TRAUMA OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Kessman, Perah S. ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
SOC101 INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Herlihy, Mark A ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00
SOC201 TRAUMA & SOCIETY OL02 Beverly, MA - Endicott College Staff ONLI TBA TBA01/02/25 01/19/25 ----R-- 3.00